Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Get your butts to the polls and make your voice heard!

No one is expecting the 18-29 year old age group to be any less apathetic than we have been in the past - it's time to make our mark on history.

Don't forget to vote today!

WE are going to decide this election.

Get EXCITED that there are long lines. I cried yesterday at early voting when I saw how many people had turned out, NOT even kidding. =) If you have to stand in line for a while, DO IT. It's worth it. You would do it for a big concert or tickets to the World Series, right? This is the future of our country NOW and WE can do something about it.

It doesn't matter how you vote... just THAT you vote.

Happy Voting!
Tara Schroeder
Nancy Boyda for Congress
Social Media Intern

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