Thursday, October 9, 2008

Debate over attendance: She was just "busy?"

Oh, how I love the smell of politics in the morning.

The tight race between Rep. Nancy Boyda, D-Kan., and Republican state Treasurer Lynn Jenkins heated up this week as Boyda raised the issue of Jenkins absences at important KPERS meetings.

It has been reported that Jenkins missed 12 of 46 meetings. In other words, Jenkins was MIA 26% of the time. Boyda reportedly tagged the state Treasurer's absences during such a crutial time for the fund and the Kansas citizens it affects as "irresponsible."

Rather than addressing the accusation, Jenkins has chosen to skirt the issue and avoid giving valid reasons for missing these meetings at a time when the KPERS fund by $1 billion in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2009. Instead, Jenkins told the public she was "busy."


Jenkins and her camp have chosen to throw back criticism of a ten minute absence on Boyda's part during a recent congressional meeting. Boyda reportedly removed herself from the meeting (for only ten minutes, folks) because she felt the speaker was disrespecting Congress.

So... let's put all this together. Jenkins was absent from just over a quarter of KPERS meetings during a time that the fund, that is so important to Kansans, was struggling. Annnd instead of explaining to these citizens that she is seeking to represent the reasoning for her absenteeism, she chose to slam her competitor for standing up for what she believes in by stepping out of a meeting for ten whole minutes. As a young Kansas citizen and active voter, I am left a bit confused.

After all, aren't we as citizens hungry for politicians who not only do their job but actually stand up for what they (and we) believe in?

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